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A New Path to Spiritual Transcendence

WHAT IS ENLIGHTENISM? It is a breakthrough in Powers of Mind spirituality. This spiritual breakthrough was discovered after twenty years of work in the field of transcendent consciousness.

It is the consciousness of clarity and power. It is the power you need to transcend the toxic beliefs and values responsible for your powerlessness.

HOW DOES IT BENEFIT YOU? It provides you with the transcendent Powers of Mind to change the current conditions in your life.

It changes how you perceive yourself and others as powerless.

WHEN CAN YOU EXPECT TO SEE RESULTS IN YOUR LIFE? ENLIGHTENISM is now, and you experience it in the present moment.

WHEN DO YOU BEGIN THE ENLIGHTENISM PROCESS? You can experience this transcendent power in your life by registering for a Course-In-Enlightenism. Register today for an upcoming Course-In-Enlightenism, and claim this power for yourself.

The National BYE Society offers this illuminating discovery to those who desire to travel on the Powers of Mind path to enlightenment.


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We teach and promote Powers of Mind self-enlightenment philosophy through online blogs, books, pamphlets, newsletters, classes, seminars, workshops, speeches, and panel discussions. This is the power the ancient sages discussed about being in the world but not being born of the world

Powers of Mind is the clarity to see ourselves clearly without the aid of toxic beliefs and values.  This clarity is available to anyone who desires to do the inner-mind work of self-enlightenment. 


Powers of Mind Workshops

Powers of Mind workshops cover an array of topics on self-enlightenment. Workshops are tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization or group. They are scheduled at on-site locations. To receive more information on scheduling a workshop for your organization, please contact us.


Powers of Mind classes focus on self-enlightenment clarity. There are three classes leading to certification as a Powers of Mind Practitioner. As a certificated Practitioner, you will have achieved the clarity in your life to teach Powers of Mind classes. Enlightenism classes focus on creating a spiritual transcendence consciousness that is free of toxic beliefs and values. To get information on our curriculum, please contact us..


  • Powers of Mind I
  • Powers of Mind II
  • Powers of Mind III, Certificated Practitioner
  • Enlightenism I

News & Events

Join us for two special "Meet the Author" events featuring "Brother Malcolm" Kelly who will be discussing his new book "Enlightenism: 21st Century Solutions for Overcoming Pain". Events will begin promptly at 11am at the Elk Grove Library on April 21 and April 28

Meet the Author

The National BYE Society offers a series of Powers of Mind clsasses, workshops and seminars to be held throughout the year.

Visit Malcolm Kelly's Blog on Social Philosophy and Spiritual Ideals. Malcolm Kelly is a Social Philosopher and Spiritual Practitioner, who has authored several books on personal responsibility and self-reliance.

The National BYE Society is pleased to announce an exciting new talk show Malcolm Kelly: Powers of Mind Hour. Beginning in October, join Malcolm as he shares how we may use Enlightenism as a holistic philosophy for a spiritually healthy life.

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